Torchlight II is priced and the Embermage is primed

Got a spare $19.99 USD and a love for Torchlight? You’re in luck, because Runic Games has announced that Torchlight II will retail for exactly that much! The announcement was made at the beginning of the Penny Arcade Expo 2011 and was followed by the announcement of a fourth playable class. The Embermage, a class that focuses on magic, will be available alongside the Engineer, Outlander, and Berserker. The different tools each class can utilize should provide hours of varied dungeon-crawling fun. Also at a $19.99 price point, the original Torchlight proved to be a lot of bang for an affordable amount of buck. Here’s to hoping that the sequel, set for release on the PC in 2011, will be just as beefy.

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