This is reason #20XX why Capcom should make a Mega Man movie

Fans have been clamoring for Capcom to officially sanction a Mega Man movie for years. In that time, we’ve seen a bevy of fan films and even one Hong Kong action film that unofficially took its inspiration from the Blue Bomber. Olan Rogers’ new mini-movie, “Mega Man X,” blows away everything in the former list and its effects even look better than the latter.

The beginning part of the video is a message Dr.Light records over 100 years ago, his lab is now abandoned. As the camera moves into the capsule you see a still running testing parameter where Mega Man X fights a hologram or drone in the form of Proto Man.

The most amazing thing is that this fan film was made for only $700. That’s just unbelievable! Capcom will make a Mega Man movie someday, but if they were smart, they’d hire Olan Rogers to direct it.

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John Scalzo is Warp Zoned's Editor-In-Chief and resident retro gaming expert. You can email him at john AT warpzoned DOT com.