Weekly Warp-Up: Pope Watch 2015 Edition

No, that’s not a typo. Welcome to the Weekly Warp-Up, your weekly wrap-up of the biggest and the best articles posted at Warp Zoned this week…

It was (and still kinda is) impossible to turn on a television this week without getting a face full of Pope Francis. Time Warner Cable has devoted an entire channel to his visit, and most other news channels are completely papered over with Papal Fever. His Holiness is even the star of Popemobile: The Pontiff No Return, a new side-scrolling shooter for Android devices that was developed by The Irish Catholic newspaper. That’s a lotta Papa.

Thankfully, your friendly neighborhood Warp Zoned editors were compelled to compile this week’s biggest news stories for the Weekly Warp-Up and we start with a review of Extreme Exorcism… a game that asks players to exorcise a house full of demons. Hmm, you know, the Pope could really help out with that, don’t you think?

I guess we just have to accept it, Pope Francis has taken America by storm. Maybe he’ll even offer a blessing for the rest of the Weekly Warp-Up, which you can find after the break.

More News

  • Deep Silver and Comcept announced that Mighty No. 9 will be released on February 9… hopefully for real this time.
  • The PS3/Xbox 360 version of Call of Duty: Black Ops III won’t include the Campaign.
  • A launch date for the PS4 re-release of Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls will be announced soon.
  • Rock Band 4 pre-orders through the Xbox Games Store will include a 12-song Bonus Pack.
  • Hitman‘s release was pushed back to March 2016.
  • Hyrule Warriors Legends won’t include a stereoscopic 3D option on older 3DS models.
  • Dontnod Entertainment will release the final episode of Life Is Strange on October 20.
  • Characters from Fire Emblem: Awakening and Xenoblade will be included in Project X Zone 2 when it’s released next February.

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John Scalzo is Warp Zoned's Editor-In-Chief and resident retro gaming expert. You can email him at john AT warpzoned DOT com.