All Articles: XCOM 2

XCOM 2 will be released for the PS4 and Xbox One on September 6

Prepare for invasion! After making a successful debut on the PC earlier this year, 2K Games and Firaxis have announced they’ll release XCOM 2 for the PS4 and Xbox One on September 6. The console port will be handled by The Workshop, a development house that has previously assisted Tango Gameworks on The Evil Within and Gearbox on Borderlands 2.

“Firaxis has successfully enhanced the XCOM franchise, as XCOM 2 has earned both massive critical and fan acclaim,” said Matt Gorman, the Vice President of Marketing for 2K. “Many console gamers have been vocal about bringing XCOM 2 to their platforms, and now they can look forward to joining the resistance this September.”

“The incredible reception of XCOM 2 has been rewarding and humbling for the team, and we’ve known console fans have been clamoring to play the game too,” said Jake Solomon, XCOM 2’s Creative Director. “As avid console players ourselves, we’re excited to work with The Workshop to bring XCOM 2 to all of our fans.”

Players who pre-order XCOM 2 on the PS4 or Xbox One will receive the Resistance Warrior Pack, which includes additional soldier customization options such as additional outfits and headgear, as well as custom facial war paint. The Resistance Warrior Pack also features the “Survivor of the Old War,” a special XCOM recruit who will appear in the barracks. Players who opt for the XCOM 2 Digital Deluxe Edition will also receive the Resistance Warrior Pack, along with the Reinforcement Pack, which includes all previously-released downloadable content for the strategy game.

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