All Articles: Dying Light

Techland introduces you to the humans of Dying Light in new trailer

In the latest Dying Light trailer, “Humanity,” we’re given a glimpse into the humans of the game – the humans who are now trapped in a quarantine zone teeming with infected. These human beings view the zombies not as just a slew of monsters to tear through, but rather, as something else entirely: people. Or, at least, they were people, before all of this happened. The survivors were all “doctors… teachers… fathers… sons,” as the narrator tells us. But so were the zombies, once.

The PlayStation Blog gives us an ever deeper look, with some comments from the game’s producer, Tymon Smektala. Smektala talks about the difficult choices the game gives you:

When traversing the city of Harran, the player will encounter survivors in a variety of situations. You may find them hidden, trapped or surrounded by the infected in the most unlikely places, calling hopelessly for help. Your help. It’s up to you whether you’ll decide to come to their aid or not. Lending a helping hand, be it out of kind heart or want for reward, is always a risk, though. The grim reality of Harran doesn’t allow any safe choices.

Dying Light’s gritty realism will grace store shelves sometime this year on the PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

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Techland shows off 10 minutes of gameplay from Dying Light

Techland, the company behind the Dead Island series, has released a 10-minute video (well, nine minutes and 29 seconds, to be precise) showcasing its upcoming multiplatform survival horror title, Dying Light. The clip offers an example of night-time gameplay, as the main character Antoine runs a mission for the encampment he is part of, racing against the setting sun to activate various power relays scattered around the city. The character rigs up a number of traps along the way, including an electric fence and a car bomb.

Not straying too far from their zombie roots, Dying Light’s monsters change demeanor between day and night, from stumbling, easy to kill zombies to bloodthirsty, adrenalin-fuelled psycho killers. As the video illustrates, once the sun sets, things go a little bit crazy.

As first impressions go, Dying Light certainly looks to redeem some of Techland’s credibility after the fun, but deeply flawed, Dead Island series. Dying Light will be released for the PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One in 2014.

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Techland does zombies again with Dying Light for PS4, Xbox One, PC, PS3, Xbox 360


Techland, the development team behind Dead Island and Dead Island: Riptide, will do battle with the undead hordes once again in their next project: Dying Light. The first-person game is set to be published by WB Games on the PC, PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, and Xbox One sometime in 2014.

During the day, players will traverse an expansive urban environment overrun by a vicious outbreak, scavenging the world for supplies and crafting weapons to defend against the growing infected population. At night, the hunter becomes the hunted, as the infected become aggressive and more dangerous. Most frightening are the predators which only appear after sundown. Players must use everything in their power to survive until the morning’s first light.

So Dying Light is basically “I Am Legend: The Game.” I can get behind that.

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