All Articles: Mass Effect 3

BioWare plans to expand Mass Effect 3 ending this Summer with free “Extended Cut” DLC

The fan reaction to the Mass Effect 3 ending is quickly becoming the video game news event of the Spring. While many were happy (or, at least, satisfied) with how BioWare brought their sci-fi epic to a close, many others were not. And made their displeasure heard for weeks after the game’s launch. BioWare said they were listening to all that fan feedback, and today, they’ve announced a free DLC pack that just might appease the masses.

Known as the “Extended Cut,” the DLC will be made available to download this Summer at no charge for all PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 players. But BioWare went to great lengths to point out that the Extended Cut won’t change the current ending to Mass Effect 3. Instead, the DLC will expand it by inserting “additional cinematic sequences and epilogue scenes” into the game. BioWare promises that these new scenes will “provide deeper insights into how [your] personal journey concludes.”

Casey Hudson, Executive Producer of the Mass Effect series, reiterated this point by saying, “We have reprioritized our post-launch development efforts to provide the fans who want more closure with even more context and clarity to the ending of the game, in a way that will feel more personalized for each player.”

If you have more questions, BioWare has posted an Extended Cut FAQ on their website… or you can ask personally bring your questions to the team at this weekend’s PAX East expo.

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Mass Effect 3 Review: Is It A Shepard… or the Sheep?

Finally, Mass Effect 3 is here, and has smashed into the face of the gaming public like a ship traveling through a Mass Relay station. It seemed like BioWare couldn’t push this title out fast enough after the impressive Mass Effect 2, but they may have taken mach speed too seriously and lost some vital components. We’ve got the long and short of it, pitting a Paragon against a Renegade for an important debate on the recently-docked Mass Effect 3. Is the game as polished as Joker keeps the Normandy, or did BioWare’s shields sustain too much heavy fire while working towards their trilogy-capping title? (more…)

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The Cross and The Controller: Mass Effect’s Picture of Faith

SPOILER WARNING: This article will talk about the death of a major character in Mass Effect 3 that takes place about a third of the way through the game… unless, of course, that character died in your playthrough of Mass Effect 2.

Prayer is a very strange thing. It takes numerous forms, from the recitation of memorized words, often ancient, to the spontaneous utterances of exuberant or anguished hearts. It can be practiced in deep silence, and it can be as informal as a muttered word for help before a surgery or a battle. Prayer flows out of human beings; we seem to be hardwired for it, either by some quirk of natural selection or through deep enculturation. The old saying “there are no atheists in foxholes” suggests the fact that, at our core, humanity is a praying species.

It’s important to note that none of this is an apologetic for the existence of God. One needs a particular understanding of the bare facts to interpret them in any particular way. Our penchant for prayer may be a quirk of genetic mutation; it may be a result of millennia of conditioning. Neither suggests that there is anyone listening to our prayer. So, while I do believe that our prayers are heard, I do not think the fact that we pray is somehow proof of that. (more…)

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BioWare co-founder comments on Mass Effect 3 backlash, hints at new ending DLC

Developers at BioWare can’t stop talking about Mass Effect 3 and the fan backlash concerning the ending. They preface each new comment with some variation of “we’ll talk about it later” and then they proceed to talk about it right now in that diplomatic PR-speak that artists and entertainers use when they’ve screwed up: “I’m sorry, the team was great, I’m sorry, everybody else seems to like it, I’m sorry…”

The latest person to join the backlash bandwagon is BioWare co-founder Dr. Ray Muzyka, who took to the BioWare Blog to praise the development team, crow about the very positive critical response, and to again admit that answers to fan complaints are coming in “a timely way.”

But Muzyka also spoke about BioWare’s post-release plans for Mass Effect 3 including “a number of game content initiatives that will help answer the questions [of the ending], providing more clarity for those seeking further closure to their journey.” While he didn’t come right out and say it, it seems likely that a “new ending” DLC pack is in the works as these content initiatives will join several additional Mass Effect 3 expansions the team was already developing. The developer promised that more information about these content initiatives will be revealed in April.

The BioWare General Manager also confirmed that the Mass Effect franchise will continue with “new full games” in the series. So let’s hope the launch of Mass Effect 4 (or whatever it’s called) goes much smoother.

Muzyka closed by thanking fans for their feedback and, once again, tried to assure them “we are listening.”

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BioWare “considering” a new ending for Mass Effect 3

It just goes to show you, some companies actually take the phrase “the customer is always right” to heart. Even though it was never considered the foundation of good business and is even less applicable in this case.

In a post on their Facebook page, the team at BioWare has revealed that they are still “collecting and considering” all fan feedback regarding the ending. The developer has also made made no decisions on whether or not they’re going to change the ending or offer a “good” ending to fans dissatisfied with the ending as is:

We would like to clarify that we are actively and seriously taking all player feedback into consideration and have ruled nothing out. At this time we are still collecting and considering your feedback and have not made a decision regarding requests to change the ending.

Many Mass Effect 3 will no doubt greet this news with cheers of joy. And they’re likely the very same people who complain about all the unnecessary changes George Lucas has made to the Star Wars trilogy over the years.

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

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FTC complaint filed against EA over “terrible” Mass Effect 3 ending

This has got to stop!

“El_Spiko,” a user on the BioWare Forums, has informed the community that he has filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission against Electronic Arts over the “terrible” ending of Mass Effect 3.

He wrote (any spelling errors were in the original post):

“After reading through the list of promises about the ending of the game they made in their advertising campaign and PR interviews, it was clear that the product we got did not live up to any of those claims. This thread has a great compilation of their claims.

Clearly, none fo these were represented in the ending. If anyone else wishes to file a complaint (the more there are the more likely the FTC will take action) just go to and fill out a complaint form in the Consumer Protection section.

This is not somethign I was happy to do, but after the terrible ending that was in no way the product that had been advertised to me and the lack of any kind of response from Bioware/EA to address this, I felt it was one of my only recourses. I’ll be returning my copy of the game before the end of my 30 day return policy if the ending still hasn’t been addressed by then.”

For the love of Shepard, please do not follow this guy’s lead and complain to the FTC about Mass Effect 3. It will only waste their time and the tax dollars of the American public.

The FTC’s mission is as follows: “To prevent business practices that are anticompetitive or deceptive or unfair to consumers.” No where in there does the Commission promise that you’ll like the product you buy. Just that you won’t be deceived before you purchase it. And EA never “promised” a great ending to Mass Effect 3. They may have hyped it up, but thanks to the legal concept of “puffery,” this kind of hype is allowed and expected.

I’d quote the end of Billy Madison here (you know the line), but really, what’s the point?

[Source: Gamepur]

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BioWare will discuss Mass Effect 3 ending “when they can”

The uproar over the ending of Mass Effect 3 just will not die down. The movement has quickly gone from fanboy whining to organized petitions to a charity drive to convince BioWare to create a new ending.

Yesterday, developers at BioWare responded to these complaints through their official forum. And while the company isn’t yet ready to deal with the backlash (they want more people to reach the end first), they say they are listening:

We understand there is a lot of debate on the Mass Effect 3 ending and we will be more than happy to engage in healthy discussions once more people get to experience the game. We are listening to all of your feedback.

I guess that’s as good an answer as any right now.

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The Good, The Bad and The Day One DLC

One of the latest controversies in the game industry is “Day One DLC,” an issue brought to the forefront by what some consider to be the debacle that is Mass Effect 3‘s “From Ashes” DLC. Staff writer Andrew Rainnie and Editor-in-Chief John Scalzo go toe-to-toe on this issue, each explaining why they are against or for Day One DLC. They take many different aspects of the argument into account, including game budgets, used game sales, and the issue of cutting material from the disc in a sleazy attempt to get more new game sales. What’s your opinion on this matter? Be sure to leave a comment and let us know who you agree with, and why.


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