All Articles: Saints Row IV

Saints Row IV “Director’s Cut” DLC will include all “Dominatrix” content


Saints Row IV is looking pretty insane, but apparently it could be crazier. When Volition rolled the “Enter the Dominatrix” DLC into number four, they left out some stuff that was “too crazy.”

During a Q&A session at PAX East, Volition Senior Producer Jim Boone said the developers plan to release a director’s cut of “Enter the Dominatrix” as DLC for Saints Row IV. Creative Director Steve Jaros added, “There’s a lot of work that goes into making something appropriately silly.”

Remember, that’s “too crazy” for a game that includes superpowers and mechs and other things.

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Don’t watch this Saints Row IV teaser trailer at work

I know it’s Monday and I know you’re probably unhappy with being at work, but I beg you, wait until you get home to watch this teaser trailer for Saints Row IV.

The insane open-world heads to outer space for its fourth installment and this trailer includes a first look at the new superpowers your Saints will employ as they take on all comers. There’s also plenty of scantily clad women, dancing hot dogs doing the “Harlem Shake,” a lot of poor dudes getting punched across the screen, and some full frontal nudity (of the male variety). Seriously, don’t watch this trailer at work.

Saints Row IV will be available for the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 on August 20. And don’t forget, new publisher Deep Silver is debuting the game this weekend at the PAX East convention. Don’t miss it.

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Saints Row IV goes intergalactic on August 20


The Saints are back! After being purchased by Deep Silver at the THQ auction, developer Volition is ready to unveil Saints Row IV, the next game in the popular open-world series. Continuing the bigger is better mentality of the last two games, Saints Row IV will take everyone’s favorite gang into outer space to battle an alien scourge known as Zinyak. Oh yeah, I can’t wait to see the weapons in this one.

In the next open-world installment of Saints Row, Volition continues the story of the Third Street Saints by elevating their status to the highest level – the leaders of the free world. In Saints Row IV, the head honcho of the Saints has been elected to the Presidency of the United States. But the Saints are just getting started. Now the larger-than-life insanity of the Saints series gets a new twist with a catastrophic alien invasion, and the aliens have transported the Saints to a bizarro-Steelport simulation. Wield gargantuan superpowers and fight to free humanity from alien granddaddy Zinyak’s mental grasp. Escape the simulation that’s trapped the Saints crew, or die trying.

Saints Row IV will be released for “current-generation consoles” and the PC on August 20. You can find the first three screenshots after the break and if you’re attending next week’s PAX East convention, you can check out a closed-door Saints Row IV presentation at Deep Silver’s booth. (more…)

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Deep Silver has something “HUGE” planned for PAX East


Aubrey Norris, Deep Silver’s Marketing Director, has revealed that the publisher has something “HUGE” planned for this year’s PAX East show:

Deep Silver obtained the rights to Metro: Last Light and the Saints Row series (including Saints Row 4) during the THQ auction back in January. Perhaps this announcement has something to do with either of those games, or possibly Deep Silver’s other big franchise, Dead Island.

PAX East will be held from March 22nd through the 24th and, as of this writing, tickets are officially sold out.

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THQ handcuffs Saints Row: Enter the Dominatrix expansion to Saints Row 4

First, the bad news… THQ has cancelled Saints Row: The Third – Enter the Dominatrix.

Now, the good news… THQ cancelled Saints Row: The Third – Enter the Dominatrix so they could incorporate the content from the standalone expansion into Saints Row 4, which was given a 2013 release date!

THQ’s new President, Jason Rubin, had some very interesting things to say about the decision: “I asked the team what it could achieve given more time, more resources, and a broader scope for the project. We all agreed we wanted to play that game. When it comes to Saints Row, it’s clear our fans want bigger, better, and even more over the top.”

That is quite the reversal for Rubin who, just a little over a week ago, told reporters that he thought Saints Row: The Third was “embarrassing.”

Another major question has emerged from this news, and that’s the fate of Volition’s Insane. The first part of Guillermo Del Toro’s video game trilogy was originally scheduled for a 2013 release, but with Volition hard at work on Saints Row 4, will they have time to finish the horror title too?

Of course, considering Rubin’s comments last week, Insane may already be cancelled.

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Outgoing THQ President talks Insane, Saints Row 4, more

Danny Bilson, THQ’s (now former) Executive Vice President of Core Games, has always been a little too talkative with the media. He admits as much in a recent interview with Eurogamer, his final one as a representative of THQ. Bilson also talked extensively about the company’s plans for 2013 (and beyond) and what the future holds for games like Insane, Saints Row 4, Devil’s Third, their unnamed shooter from Turtle Rock, and more.

Hit the jump for some of the highlights. (more…)

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THQ fools us all, announces Saints Row 3: Enter the Dominatrix standalone expansion

On April 1st, THQ announced Saints Row: The Third – Enter the Dominatrix, a standalone expansion to Saints Row: The Third that trapped the Third Street Saints inside an extraterrestrial virtual reality machine. I guess the joke’s on all of us, because it’s real.

THQ reannounced Enter the Dominatrix today and revealed that it’ll be released for the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 this Fall. The game will carry a suggested retail price of $29.99 and include something every Saints Row fan has been asking for: “freaking super powers.”

“Faster than a speeding cyber jetbike, more powerful than a roided-out Luchadore, able to leap flying aircraft carriers in a single bound… That’s the power you’ll find inside the Dominatrix. Use it for good. Use it for evil. Use it for whatever you want. As always in Saints Row, it’s up to you,” said Danny Bilson, Executive Vice President of Core Game Production at THQ.

Still don’t believe? Trust me, you want to believe:

Saints Row: The Third – Enter the Dominatrix picks up immediately following the events of Saints Row: The Third. For centuries, alien warlord Zinyak has eyed Earth and its precious natural resources and females with a watchful eye. As he prepares an armada for invasion, he has only one worry: the Third Street Saints.

Now, in order to prepare his forces for domination, Zinyak captures the leader of the Saints and imprisons him in an elaborate virtual reality simulation. This simulation program looks and feels like Steelport, but it is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. Here, you are a slave. Welcome… to the Dominatrix.

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THQ: Saints Row 4 in development, “wilder” than The Third

While it took Rockstar more than three years to announce a sequel to Grand Theft Auto IV, THQ is not wasting any time when it comes to the Saints Row series. Danny Bilson, the publisher’s Executive Vice President of Core Games, will appear on G4’s X-Play today where he will announce Saints Row 4. For those keeping score at home, Saints Row: The Third won’t be in stores until next week!

According to Bilson, “I already know what Saint’s Row 4 is about, and it is wilder than [Saints Row: The Third]. It’s a good example of how you take what you have and you say, ‘What can happen in the next?'”

Remember, Saints Row: The Third is a game where a fighter jet chases a porn star on a hoverbike (see the screenshot to your left) through the streets of a city controlled by pro wrestling mobsters… who use dildo-shaped baseball bats when they want to send a message.

Wilder than that? Hello “Adults Only” rating.

[Source: G4’s The Feed]

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