Xbox Store Today: Shadow Warrior, Voice Commander


Did you know that Microsoft runs an internal group for “hackers, makers, artists, tinkerers, musicians, and inventors” known as the Microsoft Garage? And that this “community” of interns and employees has been given free reign to turn their “wild ideas” into workable applications?

If you own an Xbox One, you definitely know all about Microsoft Garage now. Several members of the development team got together to produce Voice Commander, a group game that combines real-time strategy with overhead shooting as eight players man controllers while the rest of the crowd controls the action with voice commands. Best of all, it’s free to download.

Also available for the Xbox One today is Shadow Warrior, Flying Wild Hog’s reboot of 3D Realms’ wild first person shooter of the same name. Lo Wang is back and he’s going to use “a masterful combination of gun, blade, magic and wit” to combat a demonic invasion.

More information about both games can be found after the break.

Xbox One Games

Shadow Warrior ($40.99)
Shadow Warrior tells the offbeat tale of Zilla Enterprise’s corporate shogun Lo Wang as he is ordered to acquire a legendary blade of limitless power by his deceitful employer. Betrayed and left for dead, Lo Wang learns of the blade’s connection to ancient gods from another realm preparing to push our world to the brink of destruction. Now the reluctant hero must become legend through a masterful combination of gun, blade, magic and wit to uncover the truth behind the demonic invasion and banish evil back into the darkness.

Voice Commander (Free)
Voice Commander, a Microsoft Garage project, is a fast paced, space themed, RTS and top-down shooter combo. Pick up a controller and work with Vox using voice commands to try to stop relentless attacks. Voice Commander can be played with up to eight controllers, and anyone in the room can issue voice commands.

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John Scalzo is Warp Zoned's Editor-In-Chief and resident retro gaming expert. You can email him at john AT warpzoned DOT com.