Arms’s Version 5.0 update includes a new playable character… Dr. Coyle

Nintendo has launched the Version 5.0 update for Arms, and players will now be able to play as a mad scientist named Dr. Coyle. Nintendo’s official website has the lowdown on what players can expect from the good doctor:

As head of ARMS Lab, the good (?) doctor runs the Party Crash program, created Hedlock and Helix, and even experimented on herself! Talk about dedication to her craft.

Dr. Coyle’s special abilities include a spurt of invisibility after guarding, an extra ARM attack that appears after charging, and the ability to punch, dash, and block while levitating in the air.

Also included in this update is her stage called [NAME REDACTED]* and three new ARMS named Lokjaw, Parabola, and Brrchuk.

A trailer for Dr. Coyle has been embedded above.

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John Scalzo is Warp Zoned's Editor-In-Chief and resident retro gaming expert. You can email him at john AT warpzoned DOT com.