Amid Evil’s Early Access Launch Trailer brings back the look of fantasy-style shooters like Hexen and Heretic

Resurrecting the medieval style from early 90s fantasy shooters like Hexen and Heretic, Indefatigable’s Amid Evil is now available to download for the PC through Steam Early Access. The development team is probably celebrating with grog and mead right now, but they’ve also unveiled a new Launch Trailer for the game.

Brutal new footage released today introduces the endless mode gameplay, Hordes of Evil, which pits players against insane enemy AI. Hordes of Evil is included in the Early Access version of the game, which grants players three of the final seven campaign episodes. Each episode boasts different environments and enemies, as well as multitudes of in-game options and cheat codes.

The “Full Version” of Amid Evil is expected to be available sometime later this year.

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John Scalzo is Warp Zoned's Editor-In-Chief and resident retro gaming expert. You can email him at john AT warpzoned DOT com.