Detroit: Become Human will become self-aware (on store shelves) on May 25

In a new post on the PlayStation Blog, Quantic Dream’s David Cage has announced that Detroit: Become Human will be released for the PS4 on May 25:

Detroit is by far the most ambitious title ever created by Quantic Dream; with this game, we wanted to push our limits by creating the most bending game we have ever made. Your actions have real and spectacular consequences: there are entire scenes that you can see or miss based on your actions, your closest allies may help you until the end or die just after you meet them, your destiny itself can be totally different depending on your choices. You must also be very careful with your three main characters, because any of them may die at any time.

Cage is very proud of all the work his team put into Detroit, but he seems most impressed by the technical hurdles they were able to conquer on the PS4:

In order to depict the world of Detroit, we have also developed the most spectacular 3D engine we have ever created. We tried to push the limits of the PS4 as far as we could, with hundreds of highly realistic characters, full performance capture, scenes featuring crowds, all with a level of quality that we had never reached before. We have also imagined a new way of playing a story where you are in direct control of a complex story where any of your choices may have consequences.

In addition to the release date announcement, a handful of new screenshots from Detroit: Become Human have been attached to the PlayStation Blog post.

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John Scalzo is Warp Zoned's Editor-In-Chief and resident retro gaming expert. You can email him at john AT warpzoned DOT com.