Resident Evil 2 remake will arrive on PC, PS4, Xbox One on January 25, 2019

Capcom’s ground-up remake of Resident Evil 2 made a huge splash at Sony’s E3 Showcase yesterday.

This new version of the horror classic will flip the static perspective of the original game to an over-the-shoulder viewpoint familiar to fans of Resident Evil 4, but it’ll retain the separate storylines for rookie cop Leon S. Kennedy and college student Claire Redfield.

The Capcom-Unity blog has a nice overview of other changes fans should expect from the remake, including “a visceral sense of wetness and gore.” That’s gross, Capcom…

A complete remake of the original from 1998, Resident Evil 2 revisits the nightmare of Raccoon City with modern gameplay mechanics, new and unprecedented visuals, and a photorealistic style powered by the RE Engine that was behind the stunning graphics of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. Keeping in line with the survival horror that defines Resident Evil 2, grotesque hordes of the undead are brought to life with a visceral sense of wetness and gore, reacting to attacks in real time with visible damage from every bullet and shotgun shell. True to the series’ roots, you’ll need to make every one of those shots count if you want to survive, with a new over-the-shoulder camera bringing you even closer to the shambling undead standing between you and your escape.

Rather than release a single trailer to promote the Resident Evil 2 remake, the publisher debuted a second trailer on their blog after the end of Sony’s E3 Showcase. You can find both trailers after the break.

And we won’t have to wait long to get our hands on it. The Resident Evil 2 remake will be available for the PC, PS4, and Xbox One on January 25, 2019.

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John Scalzo is Warp Zoned's Editor-In-Chief and resident retro gaming expert. You can email him at john AT warpzoned DOT com.