Professional awesome guy Nathan Fillion is Nathan Drake in this Uncharted fan film

If all goes according to plan, Tom Holland will soon put his Spider-Man suit in the closet and head out on an adventure as a young Nathan Drake in an Uncharted movie adaptation.

It’s been a very winding road for the film adaptation of Sony’s wildly popular action-adventure series, and one point in time, fans were pushing hard to give the role to Nathan Fillion. The star of Firefly and Castle was very interested in the idea, but Sony’s prequel plans have seemingly put a stop to that.

So instead, Fillion teamed up with director Allan Ungar to create a live-action fan film based on the franchise. The 15-minute short also features plenty of excitement, as well as Stephen Lang as Victor “Sully” Sullivan, Mircea Monroe as Elena Fisher, Geno Segers as Diego, and Ernie Reyes Jr (Keno from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II!) as El Tigre.

Fillion expounded a bit on what making the fan film meant to him on Instagram:

This is something I’ve wanted to do, but more importantly, something I’ve wanted to see for a long time. If you’ve ever pinned a towel around your neck for a cape, or donned a fedora and nearly put your eye out with a homemade whip, this is for you. Thank you, [Allan Ungar], for letting us all scratch this itch. Thank you, [Naughty Dog], for creating such a wonderful archetype. Thank you fans, for your excellent taste. You know who you are. Enjoy.

The Uncharted fan film directed by Allan Unger, and starring Nathan Fillion as Nathan Drake, is embedded above.

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John Scalzo is Warp Zoned's Editor-In-Chief and resident retro gaming expert. You can email him at john AT warpzoned DOT com.