PC/Xbox One owners will be able to compete in a Beta for Chainsawesome’s Aftercharge from December 14-16

Chainsawesome Games has announced plans to host one last Beta Weekend for Aftercharge, their upcoming 3v3 shooter, from December 14th through the 16th. Interested players who own a PC or an Xbox One can sign up for an invitation right now at AfterchargeKeys.com.

In case you’re unfamiliar with Aftercharge, the developer has temporarily taken over the Xbox Wire to explain their “invisible robots versus invincible guards” game:

Coordinating Distractions on Offense
Aftercharge is not asymmetrical in team size but it is in gameplay. The team on offense is made of invisible robots. They are trying to sneak up to the objectives called extractors and destroy them while the enemies are trying to find them. As the attackers, you are playing with distractions. One robot can strike an extractor at one end of the map to draw attention while the two others wait for the defender to leave their spot to destroy far away extractors unchallenged.

Keeping Focus on Defense
On defense, since your enemies are invisible most of the time, you need to be always on alert and a react quickly. All three members of your team can’t be flocking to every objective point on each alert. That would be the best way to hear extractors blowing up in your back all game long. If you and your teammates are not calling shots like “I saw one going through that tunnel,” “I’m pushing this dead robot to you, cover me,” or “He’s coming right behind you,” you will get played by the attackers and ultimately loose.

Aftercharge will be released for the PC and Xbox One in January 2019 (and Xbox Game Pass subscribers will be able to download it for free).

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John Scalzo is Warp Zoned's Editor-In-Chief and resident retro gaming expert. You can email him at john AT warpzoned DOT com.