Data from Mortal Kombat 11’s first six months includes more than 205 million hours played

Mortal Kombat 11 was released roughly six months ago, and in that time it’s become one of the most popular games of 2019. To celebrate, NetherRealm Studios decided to share the data they’ve collected to sheds a little more light on how people play the game.

The big number that everyone will probably be talking about is the total number of hours that fans have sunk into the game… which is 205,262,299 hours. That is an astonishing amount of time to kill, and while every character undoubtedly has their fans, the three that have been picked the most are Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Noob Saibot. However, players preferred Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Liu Kang in Ranked Play.

Scorpion has the most wins, and the spectre is likely responsible for a lot of the 346,522,493 Fatalities that have been performed by players (though he’s also the character who’s most often on the receiving end of a “Finish Him!”). And that’s to say nothing of the 65,779,473 Flawless Victories that have been tallied.

You can find even more sanguine statistics for Mortal Kombat 11 in the video embedded above.

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John Scalzo is Warp Zoned's Editor-In-Chief and resident retro gaming expert. You can email him at john AT warpzoned DOT com.