4/1: Square Enix is NOT working on an 8-bit Deus Ex game


Deus Ex: Human Defiance just won’t go away. After Square Enix Europe trademarked the title in February, fans were excited to hear more about the further adventures of Adam Jensen. Then CBS Films revealed that it was actually one of the titles under consideration for the movie adaptation and had nothing to do with any future games. Now, Square Enix has struck back and confirmed that Deus Ex: Human Defiance is actually the name of an 8-bit sequel to Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

Human Defiance will include a co-op mode where the second player would control JC Denton. More than a mere demake, the two characters will engage augmented enemies in classic Deus Ex style:

Human Defiance is everything you expect from a Deus Ex experience. Every challenge can be tackled in many different ways, from ghost-mode stealth to all-out gunplay. Every choice you make has far-reaching consequences. Every truth you uncover reveals new layers of secrets and conspiracy.

Or rather, it would if the whole thing wasn’t an April Fool’s Day joke. A trailer and a nicer official site than most real games can be found at DeusEx.com/humandefiance.

Gag Reflex: The lengthy, and rather amazing, trailer is a nice touch. It’s too bad this is clearly fake as I’d definitely play it.

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John Scalzo is Warp Zoned's Editor-In-Chief and resident retro gaming expert. You can email him at john AT warpzoned DOT com.